We have the goal to build the most comprehensive Microsoft Dynamics ERP ISV Add-On Directory on the web. We are actively driving traffic to these pages. In addition to your other directory listings (by company) be sure that you also add a directory listing for each of your products.
Paid members have a special “Verified” icon next to their products, and will always show at the top of the search/filter results.
· ERP Software Blog – Add-on Product Directory for Microsoft Dynamics ERP
· CRM Software Blog – Add-on Product Directory for Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM
· ERP Cloud Blog – coming soon
Log in into the blog site, click on “Add-On Products” on the left-hand menu; click “Add New”.
1) TITLE - In the “Enter title here” field, enter the name of your product.
2) DESCRIPTION - In the main section, enter a description of your product. If possible, add links to product demos, reviews, testimonials, and more info on your website.
3) PRODUCT LOGO - If you do have a product specific logo you can leave the product logo field empty and we will pull the logo used in front of your blog posts.
4) DEMO URL –If you have a page on your site where you either host a demo video or sign prospects up for a live demo put that URL in this field.
5) FACT SHEET DOWNLOAD - If you have a PDF fact sheet hosted on your site or if you have a web page-based fact sheet, put that URL here.
6) PRODUCT WEB PAGE - Enter a destination URL for the Visit Website buttons. If you leave this field blank, we will use the website associated with your user profile.
7) EXCERPT - This is the description that will show on the ISV Directory page. Enter SHORT, engaging text into the box, so people will know what your product does and they can click to learn more.
CATEGORY INFORMATION (Left-hand side menu) Choose from the three category check boxes on the right-side column of the page. These selections are used in filters that can be set by users on the directory page.
8) ADD-ON BUSINESS PROCESSES - (The business processes that your product is directed to)
9) ADD-ON ERP VERSIONS (The ERP versions that your product will run on)
10) ADD-ON FREE PRODUCTS (Check if your product is Free or Paid)
11) ADD-ON INDUSTRY FOCUSES (The industries that might best use your product)
12) FEATURED IMAGE - At the bottom of the right-side column you can upload an image to be shown with your directory listing. (It will NOT show on the ISV Product Page and must be: 150px x 150px)
Note: We will only show the first four Business Processes, Versions, and/or Product Focuses selected, on our ISV directory page, however, additional selections will be used for filtering.
13) When you are done, click the PUBLISH button.
14) Check the results, do a few searches/filters, and make any edits.
15) Collect and add customer reviews to your products. To solicit or add reviews, first Enable reviews by Selecting “Yes” in the Enable WP Customer Reviews for this Page and Choose the Review Format as “Product.” Enter the product name add your company name as Manufacturer/Brand of product. You can solicit your customer’s to directly add reviews to your product page on the blog, or you can enter verified customer reviews yourself into the form that will appear on the published page. We suggest that you not duplicate the exact review text on different sites, but it is reasonable to post similar reviews from the same customer on different sites.
Here is a link showing how to set up review collection on your products: http://s.illlc.com/gL7NQR
By Anya Ciecierski, Co-Founder, ERP Blog LLC
Questions? Email me at info@erpsoftwareblog.com